If you’re considering dental implants in Oakland, you should understand different areas that go along with the implants. Understanding what they are, the process that goes along with having the procedure done and the benefits of the implants can help you determine if they are the right solution for your dental problems.
What Implants are
Implants are metal roots that are placed into the gums. The cap on the metal root looks and acts much like a real tooth would. They are an alternative to dentures that are able to be removed. Dental implants cannot be removed, however which makes them a wonderful alternative for one to two teeth that need to be replaced or for young people that do not want to bother with removable dentures. Your Oakland dentist will be able to show you an example of what the implants will look like.
The Procedure
Your old teeth will be removed and will need time to heal prior to the implant procedure. There are different methods used for the procedure that the patient will undergo depending on their bone structure and the particular problem they are having. However, each procedure requires several appointments for the metal roots to be inserted into the gums. Once this is done, time is given for the roots to heal and connect to the jaw bone. From here, the teeth are molded and formed to match the existing teeth in the mouth. They are then placed in the mouth and screwed onto the metal root. The process is able to take up to 6 months since healing time is necessary for the implants to be successful. The dentist near BART will be able to let you know specifics about your unique dental implant process.
The Benefits
As with any other dental procedure, benefits come along with dental implants in Oakland.
- Fill in missing gaps in the mouth or the whole mouth with new teeth.
- Have fully functioning teeth that look and feel like real teeth.
- Have a perfectly aligned smile.
- Have dentures that are not able to be taken out of the mouth like regular dentures.
- Be more resistant to cavities in those specific teeth that were replaced.
- Have stronger teeth compared to soft teeth. (which you might have had previously)
Speaking with an Oakland dentist about having the implants put in can help you make the best decision for your specific situation. The dentist near BART is able to recommend you for the specific surgery and let you know what to expect. Having a beautiful smile will be just an appointment away!