When it comes to braces, there are so many people that skip getting them since they seem like such a burden with all the wires and tightening and extra work that you have to put in just to have straight teeth. A lot of people are just scared. This is why a cosmetic dentist in Oakland started offering Invisalign to his patients. Why? Because many people are afraid of putting the wires in their mouths and all the hard work of having to have those wires tightened over time. With Invisalign, you’re not able to see the wires – which makes people more willing to obtain the braces and keeps the dentist in Oakland in business straightening teeth for his patients.
So why such a big deal about obtaining braces in the first place?
Well, for starters when someone has crowded or crooked teeth – this can do a number on the appearance and self-esteem of the person. It can actually make them not want to smile as much, they will not want to show their teeth and they will start to feel bad about it.
When it comes to the braces with the wires that were once provided by a cosmetic dentist in Oakland, people were more worried about the wires being bulky, cutting the insides of their mouths and so many other problems. They just seem scary so when the invention of Invisalign came out – so many people wanted to straighten their teeth out since it meant no bulky, sharp wires to deal with!
With Invisalign, no one is able to notice that you’re even wearing braces because the tray is see-through and clear. You’re able to have it snapped into place and then left there. It gives a small push on your teeth so you can put them in place over time. You use a series of trays that give more of a push, but there are no wires to tighten and no needing to have the dentist in Oakland put on those rubber bands – it is less of a hassle and you feel perfectly find wearing them while maintaining your confidence all the same.
You’re able to maintain your normal routine of brushing, flossing, eating and talking like you normally would with Invisalign without having to worry about not straightening your teeth or something becoming stuck in the wires. Over time, you’re able to notice a difference in how your teeth look since these braces will push them back gradually over time to provide a subtle change without being all that noticeable.
The costmetic dentist in Oakland that you see will go over the directions that you should follow to ensure that your teeth stay clean throughout the entire time of wearing these invisible braces. They may just be the next best thing when it comes to wanting straighter teeth.